As can be seen by a glance to the right, I have posted very little in the past ten years. In the beginning, I would try. Writing had always been my way of connecting with ideas, with my creative side, with others. But I didn't have anything to say worth reading. It wasn't that my life had dried up, only the words. I don't know why, I just know when.
Over the past fifteen years, the majority of my time has been spent being involved in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Program. This started shortly after we had adopted our fifth child. At the time, I was homeschooling, writing and leading a co-op aimed at building the skills of reading and writing. But Simon came with a need for structure that couldn't be provided in a homeschool setting. My husband and I made the decision to put all the kids in a brick and mortar catholic school. My youngest, not being of school age yet, was not happy to say the least. Everyone was going off without her. So, in their first full year of school, we put her into the pre-school three days a week.
About that same time, I was asked to move from the leadership of an Adult Bible Study side of a group of women who met weekly in Lenexa, KS while their children attended Catechesis of the Good Shepherd to be with the children. My gut response was: No thank you! I just put my own five children into the care of other people, my heart is breaking, I do not want to work with other people's three year olds. But I said: I'll do whatever you need me to do. Note to self: Your gut can be wrong!
CGS has been one of the greatest blessings in my life. Since then, I have completed over 500 hours of formation, begun the program in 4 schools or parishes and am currently in the discernment process to become an adult formation leader.
It is my greatest hope to return to writing in order to share some of the pearls I have received from working in this beautiful program with children. So without further ado...
I am currently reading A Year with Sofia Cavalletti by Ann Garrido. Sofia is one of the founders of CGS and the book is a beautiful compilation of her theological influences with daily reflections. CGS is based on the method of Maria Montessori, and the first set of reflections are on her work. And so in this beautiful season of Christmas, I offer you the following:
"One of the most profound mysteries of Christianity is the Incarnation...this mystery may be found in the birth of every child, when a spirit enclosed in flesh comes to live in the world..." (Montessori, The Secret of Childhood.)
God Said, "Let there be Light." When we think about the work of creation, scientists have often speculated that what was first found in the universe was light. But now, they posit another theory. Perhaps something came before the light: It may have been sound. God SAID. Theologians and philosophers reason that the Divine Nature is such that God created out of Nothing. The Universe and all that is in it came into being from his mere thought. He holds all of creation in existence by continuing to think about it. For human beings, ideas and words are interchangeable. God thought and God said are one in the same. With the Incarnation, we see this metaphor expanded: Jesus was THE Word made Flesh. All that God has to say to us about Himself was said in the person of Jesus.
And so, I ponder: each human being is A word of God. Our existence came from A word never spoken before, as nothing in creation had ever existed which is exactly the same as each one of us. In reflecting on Baptism with children, they understand and find joy in the fact that at our Baptism, Jesus calls us by name, and this is true. As the Shepherd calls His sheep, so Jesus calls us by name to participate in the Life and Love of the Trinity. But this is the second time He has called us by name, the first was a name unique in all the world, the word He used to call us into being.
So in this season of Christmas, as we and all creation give thanks to God for His greatest gift, let us maybe take time to give thanks for a different word made flesh. That one unique word uttered into the Universe which is YOU. For if we truly come to understand the incredible preciousness we are to Him, ours must be a response full of joy and with a heart thumping desire to know better the mouth which still continues to hold the note which is our name.